AmigaActive (1751/2143)

From:Jonathan Drain
Date:27 May 2000 at 19:42:36
Subject:Workbench trouble


I'm having a little trouble with my Amiga emulator - it's to do with
Workbench rather than the emulator, so it isn't off-topic :)

Up until now I've been using Workbench 2, but I decided to switch to
Workbench 3. I changed the emulator settings to 68020 and Kickstart 3, and
set the screen to Interlace, with the height set to 480 so that it would fit
in a full-screen view. Nifty, eh?

However, I wasn't able to copy Workbench 3 from a CUCD due to the fact that
Windows just can't handle certain files - a file called "CON", and certain
other files with backslashes or question marks in them. So, I'm stuck using
Workbench 2.1 instead.

I'm just wondering... firstly, has anyone else done this (either under an
emulator or a real Amiga) and found that the palette settings don't work
properly? They are set as the ugly default colours but magically change into
the ones I've set them to once I open the Palette prefs?

Secondly, I know I've asked this recently, but I forgot what people said :),
I know that my unaccelerated 2Mb A600 would choke when it comes to emulating
a Gameboy, but would it run in black-and-white, with no sound, in a tiny
little screen and skipping every other frame of animation?


Jonathan Drain - I'd explain it to you, but your head would explode.
Email: ICQ: 39945538
Visit my WEBSITE at:

Oh bother, said Pooh, as he reached for the reset button.

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